Hen with her chicks


9 Years
Apr 14, 2014
So here's what going on with mine. They hatched the first week of June. This week I let her out with the chicks and the other hens soon as one came off she got all puffed up and started fighting. The hen wasn't even near the chicks just around the area. So I figured it's to early still (June 3 - July 6). Well she's still protective when the other hens come near the cage (the 2 separate coops share a fenced wall). But today an egg. Does that mean she will stop caring for the chicks and should go back with the others or do I leave her with them till the little ones get a little bigger.

Thanks I've learned a lot on these forms.

So I think she has had it and ready to leave the small pen. Like she trying to get with the other chickens in theirs. Do I move her over. Will she be accepted again or will they start fighting. And the baby's should be fine I'm guessing it's low 70s at night 80-100 during the day.
Broody hens usually have to fight for their place in the pecking order when coming off the nest with chicks....
......the fights are often about, that not the chicks.

Best to let them work it out and keep the chicks with mama and the flock.
So I have been taking the hen out that she had a fight with and holding her and the broody hen just stares her down. Does that mean it's still early to take her away from the chicks. They were born 3 June she always act like she wants to get out of the broody cage and get with the other.
I always let my broody hen and her chick run with the flock after about a week, and during that week they are in a pen inside the pen, so all can see and get used to the sight and sound, I think withholding them is what causes all the trouble, mom's going to protect her kids from everyone and then one day she's back to her old business and the chicks are a part of the flock, they will still roost with her for a long time. If it was me I would let them out during the day, as a group, but keep an eye out for trouble, and maybe separate at night if you're nervous about leaving them all together. Is there a reason you want to separate them?
No in fact they share two cage walls with the normal coop. And they are fine like that it's when they are let out. The first time it was bad. Like up in each other's face fighting feather out I had to separate them. The broody broke a nail, and when it started the hen wasn't even near the broody. I'll have to try to let them all out together. Work has been busy so they don't get a lot of time out right now. They used to be out all the time when I was home. I have felt bad so it's the first thing I do when I get home let them out for a little then rotate. Guess I'll start letting hen out together throw some scratch and see if what they do. Just have to keep the Rooster away he didn't like me breaking up the fight ( well for a fact he doesn't like anybody he is mean don't know why great chick would hold and everything just got bigger and then attacks everything but the dogs, any people and he's on you) so will lock him in the pen which makes me feel bad. Anyways. Thanks

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