Hen with little whitish worms coming out of vent. HELP


9 Years
Jun 5, 2010
Beaver County, PA
Was just at a friends because one of her hens are sick and she didn't know what to do. When I picked her up and turned her over, her backside was slimy and wet and she felt underweight and there were small worms squirming in and out everywhere....

I've never had this happen and don't know what to tell her. Are these internal parasites? They were quick moving about 1/4" long.

Thank you for any help. I'm assuming it's internal worms of some sort. I feel so bad for them.
It is more likely that they are maggots. Cleansing her and coating with antibacterial ointment may help, but there is some serious underlying problem that has caused this fly strike.
It could be either lice or worms. If there are that many the outcome looks grim. Give a bath, blow dry on low, and dust with poultry dust as soon as possible to kill all the ones on the outside. Do the base of the feathers resemble q tips? If so it is no doubt lice. If you want to go the natural route bath her with a tee tree oil shampoo. Both require cleaning of all living areas and a repeat treatment in 7-10 days to get any stragglers. Sugar in the water or baby formula work great in getting something into her to help her heal. They also sell sav-a-chik in little packets cheaply. Are you sure it is not maggots? If it is there are bigger problems on the inside. I am thinking more than likely lice. Valbazen is a great wormer if you need one. Time is of the essence for getting this girl cleaned up so they can't get more out of her. Good luck!
I saw no sign of lice.

She told me the hen had been acting 'off' for a while. When I saw her, she had difficulty walking and was very weak. So sad! If it is worms, what kind and how to treat?

I don't know why I'm so upset about this but seeing a hen like this really has me worked up.
If it comes down to maggots or worms, it is most likely maggots from fly strike. There would be an infection somewhere as they only feed on dead flesh and going in and out of the vent is a really bad sign it is internal.

If you are still entertaining the idea of worms Valbazen 1/4 cc/ml for small 1/2 cc/ml for avg and 3/4 cc/ml for giants. Repeat in 10 days.

Either way, that load is very grim and in most cases (if not lice) it would be better to cull for kindness. I am not trying to be cruel, it is just a grim outlook for her.
This time of year if they have a messy rear end, flies will lay eggs and maggots will hatch and start an internal infestation. Soapy water, a tub bath, and picking off each maggot is necessary, and maybe repeat this until they are gone.
This time of year if they have a messy rear end, flies will lay eggs and maggots will hatch and start an internal infestation. Soapy water, a tub bath, and picking off each maggot is necessary, and maybe repeat this until they are gone.

I've had chickens for quite a while and I never knew this could happen. How sad if that's all it was....definitely could have been prevented had she noticed sooner. I can't stress the importance of handling your chickens and checking them regularly. It was a lesson hard learned.

Thank you! She does want to worm them now but in trying to figure it all out, we're not sure if the wazine can be given to all members of the flock. She has a wide age range from just a few weeks to a few years without the ability to separate them.

I really appreciate everyone's help. And once again, I've learned something new about chicken care.

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