Hen with paralyzed wings

K R 2709

6 Years
May 21, 2013
BC, Canada
Hi everyone,
I have a hen who is almost two years old. She has recently fallen ill. She seems to have lost feeling/control of her wings. She won't move them. She is also not interested in eating or drinking. I have her on oxytetracyline. She still hasn't seemed to perk up. I think that it could be a tick?!?!?
Can she move her legs or stand? Was she vaccinated for Mareks? Are her wings drooping? Could she have eaten something containing a toxin or poison, such as the decayed remains of an animal, fish, or plant material? Moldy feed or chemicals, lead shot or lead paint chips could also cause neurological symptoms.
She has not been vaccinated for mareks. Her wings are drooping. They live in a run and get scraps but they are never old. She has been getting worse for the last couple of weeks.
She is definatly dehydrated. She won't eat or drink. I have been tube feeding her Gatorade and antibiotics twice a day.

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