Hen with possible worms very letargic


In the Brooder
May 6, 2022
My main question is : can hens with possible worms and possible anemia (self diagnosis, haven't heard back from the vet yet) can recover? She does not feed herself (I am putting food in her beak for her), doesn't drink, sleeps all day. She can stand on her feet for short periods. Other than that, she just sleeps.
She has all the symptoms of anemia : neurological damages (her head moves in weird ways), problems with her legs, loss of weight, etc.
Can she get back to normal once I de-worm her? Of is she a lost cause and I should just put her down?
Did the vet examine her, or just getting a fecal done? How old is she, breed, do you know when she last laid? Pictures? What do droppings look like? Is her abdomen bloated, below the vent between the legs? Is her crop empty, full, soft and squishy, very hard, etc?
Is she vaccinated for Marek's? Did you get chickens somewhere other than hatcheries in the past? Her symptoms are identical to my pullet with Marek's, but it could be other disease.

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