Hen with punctured lung -- attacked by dog

IMO I wouldn't try tape on the little one. Think it might rip the skin even more coming off.

I don't Have experince in close to internal organs like this, sorry.Im trying to think of some ways to help.
IMO I wouldn't try tape on the little one. Think it might rip the skin even more coming off.

I don't Have experince in close to internal organs like this, sorry.Im trying to think of some ways to help.
Yeah, that's what I figured. I just cleaned the wounds and bandaged them along with some antibiotic ointment. She seems to be doing fine this morning and breathing normally. I checked the wounds again and I'm starting to think that her lung isn't punctured. Now that the bleeding has stopped (which was never a lot), I can see that the punctures aren't that deep. Seems to be only the top layer of skin as far as I can tell. I just think it was the initial shock that caused the heavy breathing and wheezing. She just seems to want to rest now, and not really interested in walking, eating or drinking. Hopefully she'll perk back up soon. I'm thinking of getting some amoxicillin and giving that to her just in case. I've read that 125 mg 2-3 times a day is the dosage.
Yeah, that's what I figured. I just cleaned the wounds and bandaged them along with some antibiotic ointment. She seems to be doing fine this morning and breathing normally. I checked the wounds again and I'm starting to think that her lung isn't punctured. Now that the bleeding has stopped (which was never a lot), I can see that the punctures aren't that deep. Seems to be only the top layer of skin as far as I can tell. I just think it was the initial shock that caused the heavy breathing and wheezing. She just seems to want to rest now, and not really interested in walking, eating or drinking. Hopefully she'll perk back up soon. I'm thinking of getting some amoxicillin and giving that to her just in case. I've read that 125 mg 2-3 times a day is the dosage.
That's good.At least it isn't deep, if it really had pierced the lung, that would have worried me a lot.
Don't worry, No walking, eating or drinking is normal for a injured bird during the first couple days.Try fermenting a little bit of crumble, I know that when my sick/injured birds won't eat, they'll eat Fermented crumbles.
That's good.At least it isn't deep, if it really had pierced the lung, that would have worried me a lot.
Don't worry, No walking, eating or drinking is normal for a injured bird during the first couple days.Try fermenting a little bit of crumble, I know that when my sick/injured birds won't eat, they'll eat Fermented crumbles.
Yeah, definitely would have worried me, too. I'll try offering her some food a little bit later. :)
Heather passed away yesterday morning. She was resting and seemed okay, and it happened without warning. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but it could of been something internal that I couldn't see. She lived a good chicken life free ranging with the rest of the flock, and the babies that she saved from hurricane Irma live on because of her. She was a very special hen and she will always be remembered. I'm sure she's enjoying her new home in heaven more than she did her home here on earth. All of the yummy bugs, long grass and lots of space to run around.......





Thank you Heather for saving these precious babies. :)


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