Hen with soaked underside, mostly sits in the nesting box


Sep 7, 2021
Hey y'all, my girl Custard had some watery -but otherwise normal - poop last night. Then today, I noticed she never left the coop after I let the others out. After 4 hours of looking at the security cams (I'm that kind of chicken mom), I rushed home to check on her. She was in the nesting box and it was absolutely soaked. Clear fluid, no smell.

She hasn't laid an egg in about a month because she had coccidiosis (I believe), which I treated with Corid. She perked up and her poop became normal after about a week of treatment, so she's been fine for about two weeks now, just no eggs.

Here are some pics of her vent and belly. Im thinking she might be having trouble passing an egg, but do you think it's gleet? What do y'all think I should do or look for?


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How is her crop? Chicken will drink a lot of water if they have a blockage, and may also go to the nesting box.
I'd also be concerned she's having trouble getting started laying again. Last girl I found like that laid a broken soft egg hours later... I'd give her some calcium, plenty of water and food if she wants it, give her warm soak and then let her rest/lay her egg in a quiet, dark space.
How is her crop? Chicken will drink a lot of water if they have a blockage, and may also go to the nesting box.
Her crop was full last night, as it normally is; this morning it was a lot smaller to the touch. I don't think she'd eaten anything by the time I saw her this morning. I saw her pass a solid, otherwise normal-looking stool today, but it did shoot out with a lot of that clear liquid.

When I come home tonight, I'll check her crop and see if there's any changes in size.
I'd also be concerned she's having trouble getting started laying again. Last girl I found like that laid a broken soft egg hours later... I'd give her some calcium, plenty of water and food if she wants it, give her warm soak and then let her rest/lay her egg in a quiet, dark space.
Yeah, that makes sense. Poor baby. :( I'll definitely do this.
My girl is roosting with the others now, and her crop is definitely full compared to it being empty this afternoon. More watery poop underneath her. No egg, soft-shelled or otherwise, and she refused the oyster shell when I offered. Comb and wattles are normal red.

Should I give her a warm soak tonight, or let her rest until tomorrow, and see if she gets in the nesting box again?

I have clotrimazole 1% cream if it seems like gleet. I could also re-treat her with Corid, but after seeing her this evening, I'm almost thinking that probiotics are overdue for the post-Corid recovery. I would really like to get some calcium in her too, but she picked up the oyster shell and spit it out, so -- maybe some liquid calcium mixed into some mash?

I'm sorry for all the questions. There are at least three different things this could be, and I'm having trouble making a decision on which treatment to start with. :(
My girl is roosting with the others now, and her crop is definitely full compared to it being empty this afternoon. More watery poop underneath her. No egg, soft-shelled or otherwise, and she refused the oyster shell when I offered. Comb and wattles are normal red.

Should I give her a warm soak tonight, or let her rest until tomorrow, and see if she gets in the nesting box again?

I have clotrimazole 1% cream if it seems like gleet. I could also re-treat her with Corid, but after seeing her this evening, I'm almost thinking that probiotics are overdue for the post-Corid recovery. I would really like to get some calcium in her too, but she picked up the oyster shell and spit it out, so -- maybe some liquid calcium mixed into some mash?

I'm sorry for all the questions. There are at least three different things this could be, and I'm having trouble making a decision on which treatment to start with. :(
As long as she is eating, drinking, and active I don't think you need to be too worried and you have time to monitor her for a few days assuming she doesn't take a turn for the worse. She may have just eaten something weird or gotten stressed by something and she'll be able to get back to normal on her own.

Egg/reproductive issues are the most serious so if you see her hanging out in the nest again I would add some calcium supplement to her food for a few days at least.

Gleet normally has white smelly discharge throughout the day and often leaves a white crust around the vent, so it sounds more like she is just drinking a lot of water to me. Wouldn't hurt to give some probiotics though. Coccidiosis is pretty rare in adult birds so as long as she isn't getting all sick-looking and fluffed up I would guess the diarrhea is from something else (egg trouble, worms, stress, hot weather...)

Let us know how she gets along.
As long as she is eating, drinking, and active I don't think you need to be too worried and you have time to monitor her for a few days assuming she doesn't take a turn for the worse. She may have just eaten something weird or gotten stressed by something and she'll be able to get back to normal on her own.

Egg/reproductive issues are the most serious so if you see her hanging out in the nest again I would add some calcium supplement to her food for a few days at least.

Gleet normally has white smelly discharge throughout the day and often leaves a white crust around the vent, so it sounds more like she is just drinking a lot of water to me. Wouldn't hurt to give some probiotics though. Coccidiosis is pretty rare in adult birds so as long as she isn't getting all sick-looking and fluffed up I would guess the diarrhea is from something else (egg trouble, worms, stress, hot weather...)

Let us know how she gets along.
Thank you! I appreciate this so much. I’ll just keep an eye on her for now.
A little update: I found a lash egg on Wednesday and took her to the emergency vet. They found no signs of infection, but an x-ray pulled up two small pieces of metal that she's somehow ingested. 😩 Waiting on the results from lead and zinc tests.

She's acting normal, eating and drinking fine, but she's definitely underweight. Crop is squishy, no unusual smell to her breath or vent area. No green poop anymore, which is good, but it always comes out with clear liquid.

Since the lash egg, she's laid two soft shells. I'm trying to up her calcium intake and get some weight back on her. The vet said to bring her back if there's another lash egg, but didn't recommend any antibiotics or routine changes. Do y'all have any suggestions beyond that? Should I worm her or treat her for gleet? I'm doing everything I can think of to assist her in what she's trying to pass - whether it's an egg, or obstructive items - but I feel like I'm not doing enough to help my girl. 😔
A little update: I found a lash egg on Wednesday and took her to the emergency vet. They found no signs of infection, but an x-ray pulled up two small pieces of metal that she's somehow ingested. 😩 Waiting on the results from lead and zinc tests.

She's acting normal, eating and drinking fine, but she's definitely underweight. Crop is squishy, no unusual smell to her breath or vent area. No green poop anymore, which is good, but it always comes out with clear liquid.

Since the lash egg, she's laid two soft shells. I'm trying to up her calcium intake and get some weight back on her. The vet said to bring her back if there's another lash egg, but didn't recommend any antibiotics or routine changes. Do y'all have any suggestions beyond that? Should I worm her or treat her for gleet? I'm doing everything I can think of to assist her in what she's trying to pass - whether it's an egg, or obstructive items - but I feel like I'm not doing enough to help my girl. 😔
Terrific job caring for your baby. Yeah, lash eggs can make them feel crummy. I think @Eggcessive is the calcium repro guru. Let's hope she chimes in. Till then, hold tight, know you have taken the steps needed to get you and her this far. Good job!

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