Hen with Sour Crop

Boom Boom Chick

In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 6, 2015
Hey Ya'll,

Our 4 year old hen has sour crop and she started with it last month in March when she ate moldy pellets in her feed bucket that was overlooked. She shares a coop with her sister who is a RIR same age and our newest baby rooster who is 1 years old now. The RIR and roo has no problems. When my daughter first found her hen with weight loss, liquid coming out of her mouth smelly, and when she pooped it was watery with green pieces in it. She immediately started researching online to see what could be the cause. She found sour crop and started holding the hen like a football and tilting her head downward and massaged her crop to get all the green stuff out. She continued to give water and waiting in between so her hen could breathe. We separated her and placed her into the dog crate we have and put her inside our house and nursed her back to health and her crop was flat and emptying on its own at night. So we thought our hen was getting better and we decided to place her back out with her sister and roo after 1 week. We still socialized her with the others so they would not forget her and she would not feel abandoned. Therefore, we thought all was well.

So here we are again, green liquid in her waterer g from her mount, still not enough weight gain, and signs of watery poo with green pieces in it. Our hen is back in the house, dog crate hospital, and now she has become picky on eating. She loves apples and with yeast apples are sugar and she can't have much. She doesn't like the taste of any yogurt so that is out for a probotics. She has eaten some unsweetened apple sauce in the little containers with some yolk and/or crumble but she shows not interest in it. She has also eaten baby food sweet carrots I bought from the Walmart in March and she loved it. I am also giving her ACV in her water everyday all day hoping this will help with building good bacteria in her crop. I have egg shell crushed mixed in her dry crumble in her crates along with the water. When I got up this morning to help feed her before I left for work this was how I tried to get her to eat. The same as last night when we brought her in. I took an apple and cut it in half, put a spoonful of unsweetened apple sauce, yolk, and crumble and mixed it together and spread it on top of the apple and fed it to her. She excitedly recognized the apple and started to eat it with the topping on top. Then I put her to bed. This morning she looked better around her eyes and her comb looked more redder than last night. I tried to feed her the same thing this morning except this time she was still excited to see that apple but she was pecking and slinging the topping I made off of it to get to just the apple. I felt like I was feeding a baby in a highchair. I am getting off at 2 pm today and I am going to feed her the baby food sweet carrots and some baby food turkey to help give her some protein. I have baby food mango and she doesn't like the taste of that either. I am going to cut it with some water and see how it works. Picha's crop does empty flat enough that you can feel her chest bone and it isn't hard like an impacted crop would feel like.

I am not sure if monistat or some thing of that kind is something I should do because I have read different opinions on it. I did talk to my vet who we take our dog to. She knows a lot about poultry and she doesn't recommend a yeast cream to be orally consumed because she says its not for oral consumption and could potentially kill our hen. I am at a sever loss because my daughter loves this bird very much. My daughter loves on her hen by holding her, playing with her, feeds her, and massage her crop when it is full. Our hen still has enough strength to walk around and follow you in the house and sit on the roost we made for her in the dog crate. She still greets us when we open the door to the crate and she LOVES our Lhasa Apso dog who is a female. We open the front door in our foyer and they both are side by side with our dog laying down and Picha standing next to her touching. And we all think its a good thing that they have each other since Picha and Mae are home together alone. Mae can comfort Picha while she recovers.

Any tips on how to keep on keeping on the road to recovery for our hen would be greatly appreciated!


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