hen with tail down *** Update still down but not egg bound... HELP!


Wanna-be Farmer
11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
Just went to check on them. Did not notice the hen doing that earlier today. I have been writting this post in parts and it has been 1/2 hour since I started it and I just checked hen her tail is still down.

Update: her tail is stil down, I massaged, looked for egg bound (cant feel anything) and otherwise she seems fine. I put oil on her vent, gonna try a warm bath later but have to deal with ds for the next few hours. Could this be a symptom of something else???

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Have you looked at some of the threads on "egg-bound"??

Have you felt the hen? Does it feel like she has an egg in progress?

You might want to follow some of the threads on putting the hen into a warm bath and then putting some oil in her vent.

Good Luck!!

looked at her vent twice once before posting seemed normal (forgot to mention) and then again, I cant feel any egg, but I put some oil on her vent. I even checked some of the other ladies for comparison but all seemed normal. After her "rub-down" I put her back with the others and she finally raised her tail and pecked a bit. I looked her over fully she seems to be in great shape maybe she was just in a mood???

oh and after reading dozens of posts I found enough comparisons that I am not going to worry just yet.
ok I have her seperated and eating bread soaked with olive oil and now her tail is back up. I checked for the 4th time to see if I could feel and egg, but i cant. I can see her vent contracting and relaxing over and over. After she eats and my ds is in school I will try the warm bath.

Really any suggestions would be helpful.
Her tail is back down!!!!!

Ok I have done the warm bath still no change, how much time should I give it???

Could someone please answer. How much time should I give it before panicing?? She seems alert, eyes clear, not sick, no bugs, cant feel or see egg, ahe is eating and drinking. Vent looks normal

Please I am not sure of what else to do, she is a great bird, and taking her to a vet that specializes in chickens is VERY hard for me and the closest one is over an hour away.
I would give her some oil with a syringe without the needle directly into her mouth. I used cooking oil and the next day my hen seemed okay. She was droopy, uninterested in eating and I did not know anything about egg bound (even though I was raised on a farm with poultry) except what I had read on this site a long time ago.(I have not been on for awhile) She recovered.

I hope your little hen recovers. She is so pretty.


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