hens ‘ankle’ warm to the touch


Aug 31, 2020
british columbia canada
i noticed yesterday she was acting a bit off and laying down or holding her leg tucked right up under her. she will still bear weight and walk on it gingery. no real noticeable swelling in that area (the knobbly knuckle where the foot bends at the leg). her feet show no sign of bumblefoot. i gave her an epsom salt soak today and rubbed bag balm on the area (for no reason other than i bag balm everything lol) tonite it was quite warm to the touch. does anyone have any suggestions what else i can do or what it could be? i’d appreciate any feedback, thank you ! 🙏 i should add, she never leaves ground level. she even has her own perch about 4” off the ground, so she wouldn’t have hurt it jumping down from too high. it’s been really icy though ...
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Is there any noticeable discoloration or inflammation? Is she sore on it? Or when you touch it? Are you able to provide a picture of the warm leg?

It’s possible she could’ve sprained herself or tore a tendon/ligament.
Is there any noticeable discoloration or inflammation? Is she sore on it? Or when you touch it? Are you able to provide a picture of the warm leg?

It’s possible she could’ve sprained herself or tore a tendon/ligament.
it doesn’t look swollen but i did notice that foot looked pale compared to the other. i will have a closer look again today. she acts like it hurts yet she will walk on it. it’s hard to tell if there’s any other hot spots further up the leg because of her feathers. it’s been super cold this week so that isn’t helping because she out of sorts with that too. at first she wouldn’t close her toes around my finger but yesterday she had a good grip. i can touch it and she doesn’t seem too bothered. i will post a picture today. thank you !
Is there any noticeable discoloration or inflammation? Is she sore on it? Or when you touch it? Are you able to provide a picture of the warm leg?

It’s possible she could’ve sprained herself or tore a tendon/ligament.
when i first checked her both legs were cold, then an hour later after she’d moved about a bit the left ankle was warm. her feet are both pink, and dirty because of the bag balm but i’ll attach some pix. i don’t see any noticeable swelling or wounds. she has been alternating which leg to stand on but mostly favours her left. she took a normal poop, then awhile later a runny poop and a then a small solid greenish one. she’s laid an egg, drinking lots and eating. the weather is not helping diagnose because it’s so darn cold and she doesn’t take it well. she’s the ‘fragile’ small one of the group that’s always a bit behind everyone doing her own thing. the 4 of them spend the day in the shop where we have the wood stove going. i hope you’ll see something i’m missing,,, thanks again


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