Hens?? 11 New pics


7 Years
Apr 10, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I have new pics of the crew. I think I agree that they will be all hens. The one has a split beak? Not sure what else to call it. Any advice? She's made it this far, so I think she's okay with it. Could it have happened today? I just never noticed it before, but they always hid. It's their first day out and I had to push them outside and shut the door behind them. Just any comments on it would be helpful. Even as to what may have caused it.

Edited: I just read the scissor beak post. I guess this is it? I'm just surprised I never noticed it before.

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Yeah they might be EE's. Most hatcheries/feed stores sell them off as Americaunas. An EE is just a mutt version rather than a purebred. Either way they are adorable!
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They all look like girls to me

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