hens and chicks- what to do about feeding?


8 Years
May 29, 2014
Damascus, MD
After much ado, my 2 hens have met my 6 chicks (4 weeks) and will be moving in together tomorrow. I was so concerned about intros that I forgot to consider feed! Myhens are on layer feed and my chicks are still eating their chick feed (although this co say to switch to their next level feed at 4 weeks....obviously Im not switching until they finish their chick feed...although I may start to mix it....)
ANYOW- if theyre in the coop together, how do I deal with the different kinds of food and who gets what?!?!?

HELP! Thank you!!!
Relax, it turns out it's simple. Feed everyone whatever the chicks need. The hens will be fine on it. Offer a little oyster shell in a separate container for any hens who feel the need for calcium; the chicks will pay it ittle or no attention. You can even feed laying hens chick feed medicated with amprolium and eat the eggs, because the amprolium isn't really absorbed, it stays in the gut where it interacts with the cocci in the gut.

A lot of people feed flock raiser only, because it's good for all ages. Whatever you do, don't feed chicks layer til at least 18 weeks, or preferably when they start laying. There really isn't much difference between starter and grower; don't waste feed by tossing starter, just use it up.
Relax, it turns out it's simple. Feed everyone whatever the chicks need. The hens will be fine on it. Offer a little oyster shell in a separate container for any hens who feel the need for calcium; the chicks will pay it ittle or no attention. You can even feed laying hens chick feed medicated with amprolium and eat the eggs, because the amprolium isn't really absorbed, it stays in the gut where it interacts with the cocci in the gut.

A lot of people feed flock raiser only, because it's good for all ages. Whatever you do, don't feed chicks layer til at least 18 weeks, or preferably when they start laying. There really isn't much difference between starter and grower; don't waste feed by tossing starter, just use it up.

Thank you!

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