Hens back is bare and huge gashes on back !!


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
I came to find 4 chickens and 1 duck dead.
Whatever it did it killed them and left the others, Butter got away but her back is bare and she has these huge gashes on it.
Can I use steri strips on it.??
I just had the same thing happen last week here to a hen brooding a clutch of chicks, something ripped her back open but she saved her chicks. The best thing to do is just clean it up, disinfect it, put salve on it and keep the flies from getting to her and laying maggots. I've happen this happen a lot over the years. Prior to this hen was a turkey this happened to. It will look very nasty while healing but it will heal. It took about a month for the deep wounds to heal on the turkey, the hen seems to be healing a little quicker.

It was probably dogs that did it. When it happens here and it's only one bird, it's most always a fox. But for multiple kills or this sort I'm going to guess a dog or dogs. Which means it/they will likely come back. Be prepared.
Yep I think it was a fox, we did some research and it seems to be the predator..
I am soo sad:hit it got my favorite roo's .... Butter(BO) has been cleaned up and her back is smothered in neosporon, she is with two little chicks that can't be left alone yet.
Eating is fine and she is drinking water. So I am praying that she can pull through, it's always the ones I like that get taken.
Thanks for replying, I have been a mess!!!
I had this very thing happen with a Buff Orpington Mama. Fortunately I came upon the crime in progress. The hen was going crazy protecting her little chicks while a huge hawk had it's claws in her back and was attempting to fly off with that really big chicken!! I ran up yelling but that hawk was determined to fly off with my bird. I practically had to pull the hawk off. Finally it flew away leaving my Buff all ripped up on her back. I sprayed Schreiner's Horse Liniment on her wounds twice a day for a week or so and no infection and she healed up fast and that fall all her feathers grew back in. I highly recommend Schreiner's. I put it on everything for me or my animals. It stings like the dickens but never fails to heal up any abrasion. I'm sure you can find it on the internet and probably in your feed store. It's pricey but it takes such a little.
I've read here that using the instant glue stuff (you know the stuff that you usually end up gluing a couple of your own fingers together with ) to seal up wounds (after cleaning them) can be used instead of stitches.

Hope this helps!

take care of you and yours,

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