Hens bullying another hen


In the Brooder
Oct 7, 2015
We have had our hens for 2.5 years. They all seem to get along pretty well, they will occasionally pick on our Bard Cochin while she is brooding, but within the last 2 weeks, the other hens have been picking on her a lot. The bard cochin is now staying in the roost most of the day since the other hens will chase her and corner her to peck at her when she does come out of the roost. We have even noticed that one or two of the other hens have been going into the roost and chasing her out into the yard. Any suggestions as to what may be causing this change in behaviour? Thanks in advance
If you are in the northern hemisphere birds are starting to molt which can cause aggressive moody behaviors. It can also cause some to act frightened and be in pain. Generally if I see any aggressive behaviors it's during the molt.

If the attacks are excessive you may need to fence her off for a while and see if things calm down after a few weeks. Is she still going broody or currently broody? Hens do like to fight with broody hens.

How big is your coop and run? If the cochin can get away from the aggressor than she may be okay not being separated. If you see blood it's definitely time to step in.

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