Hens Feet are Falling Off

Thanks for everyone's help. Our chicken coop is nice and warm - so I don't understand how she got frostbite in the first place. Perhaps she was the last one in and got stuck by the door? Or maybe she got stuck outside somehow? The rest of my girls are just fine. So it is a puzzle as to why she got frostbite.

I am kind of attached to my injured hen, Gertrude. However, I don't want to her to be in pain. I don't know how she will do if I put her back in with the rest of the girls.

I cleaned her feet today and put some anitibiotic cream on them.

Since she has been by herself for awhile I'm guessing she is or is going to get lonely too. What is the most humane way to put a chicken down?? I can't do it- will have to have my husband do it if that is what we decide

I don't like having a sick chicken!
Is it just her toes or the actual pad of the foot and everything leaving just the leg? I rescued a japanese hen a few years back, she ended up loosing all but one toe on each foot from frostbite and scaly leg mites. WIth months of foot soaks and slathering her feet and legs with vasoline and vetRX I am happy to say she is still with us and doing very well altho she is a bit slow. I have her in with my seramas and they don't bother her one bit. Yeah she lounges around most of the time but she can walk, eat, fly to the roof of the house, run if she has to. Because it is difficult for her to roost anymore I furnished her a nest up high and that is where she sleeps at night but other then that no special accomodations are really needed for her.
Her one leg (where the foot has already fallen off) is healed over. The other one that is getting ready to fall off is bleeding just a little bit. I think she was in a lot of pain when the frostbite first hit back in December or early January. The nerves have to be way dead now right????
I agree.. Not only that but we need to understand that when a tragedy happens and one of our animals gets hurt, there is going to be pain until the injury heals.. An aspirin dissolved in a liter of water will do wonders with pain as will neosporin (without pain reliever) to ward off any infection.. But once the injury heals, the animal will normally adapt pretty well...

wow..how long has she been suffering? Just wondering??..
What do you plan on doing with her when the other leg falls off? I guess she'll be an inside bird now?? How will she poop? She'll have to sit in it?? (because she'll have no feet to stand up on??...)
I'm just trying to figure out how the bird is going to live?? Thanks..

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