hens fighting and feather picking


Nov 5, 2015
I have a hen that is just a terror, she fights the others and picks feathers, especially one hen who is lowest on the pecking order. I have separated them, first the one with almost no feathers, and got her healthy again. Then I put her back out and the one who was really getting her I put by herself. I realize this was probably a mistake, but it really was easier with her gone. I put the aggressive one back out today and the low girl is ostracized again. When do you have to do something? Should I get rid of the super aggressive one? I can't keep separating them and the low girl is left by herself. I also have some new chicks that I am going to have to put out in a couple months. I have no idea how to do that, if anyone can help please do! Thanks
How big is your set up? And how many flock members? Unfortunately in some flocks the pecking order is like that. When you add the new ones the bottom hen might turn into a bully herself. If she's that disruptive remove her permanently. Sounds like you don't have a rooster who often keeps the hens in line.
I only have 5 hens, (gold lace wyandottes), right now but I am raising 10 more pullets, (buff orpingtons, as I have had better luck with them being more docile). My rooster was super aggressive also and really tore them up but when he started to attack me he had to go. I cut off his spurs but he still put bruises and scratches on my legs. They have a small penned yard with a coop but I let them free range during the day and they love that. Thanks for getting back to me, I have never had so much trouble with hens. I think the super aggressive one is going to go. I don't know what else to do.
I keep reading on this site about people having aggressive Wyandotte, especially if they are kept confined. I have some but I have a large flock and total free ranging. So I hadn't realized they were considered an aggressive breed. I think some just don't do well in smaller set ups.

I wouldn't of kept that rooster either, he sounded horrible. Buff Orpingtons are easy going, though a few older ones of mine are top hens. They aren't as reactive as some other breeds. I would also avoid Rhode island reds, I read the same things about them.

I would probably cull the aggressive hen or she could cause more problems with the new ones. Wishing you luck that you get it figured out.
Thanks for helping, hopefully I can get it all settled. The gal at the feed store talked me into these wyandottes but I should have stayed with the orpingtons. You have a good day and thanks again.

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