Hens have stopped laying


12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Here's the background:

I had 6 hens who had just begun to lay eggs when 3 were murdered over the course of 4 nights. One other one was attacked and almost didn't make it, but she pulled through. This was the end of September.

The 3 remaining hens have laid a total of 1 egg since the massacre. I know they were not all laying; the most I would get was 3 eggs a day.

Is it possible that the 3 remaining hens are shell shocked and will never lay again? What are the chances they would have never laid eggs and of the 6 original, the 3 that are left are duds?

I hate to sound intolerant, but I have chickens for eggs, not for fun. If something doesn't give, I'll be having 3 pots of dinner!

And I'm feeding them an organic laying feed that they do not care for, and tons of scraps from the kitchen. I don't know what else to do.
They will stop laying for several reasons. It could be from molting, the short days, the cold weather, etc. I'm not sure if they would still be scared from what happened.
There is also a chance that the three that were killed were the egg layers, and you have three hens that haven't started laying yet.
My hens have responded to violent situations and curtailed their laying habits; late this last summer I was forced to cull the majority of my young roosters and it took several days for them to return to their normal laying habits; including this last summer a thunderstorm blew apart their run and damaged their coop and it took several days for the hens to take up laying again.

It's entirely possible that with the combination of changes in the flock and the shorter days that the egg laying habits are getting all messed up. If possible, put a light into their coop which should help and more important, secure them, better to prevent the preditors from getting them.

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