Hens killing chicks


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2015
I had a broody hen that hatched out a bunch of eggs. She is fine with the chicks that she has hatched out. I boughten some breeds to add some diversity to my flock. The breeds I bought were chicks around the same size as the ones my hen was raising. I have had the store chicks in a cage so that the flock could see them and check them out. I have had them in their for about a week but every time I let them out the hen tries to attack them. I am always there when it happens so nothing severe has happened. Will the hen hurt the chicks or even kill them if I am not there to supervise? All of the others in the flock seem to be fine with the store chicks except for the momma hen. What should I do?
What you are seeing is the mother hen sees strange chicks that are going to compete with hers. So she is trying to at least give her chicks room, if that means the death of the other chicks its fine by her. The rest of the flock doesn't really know the chicks aren't the broody's so they leave them alone. You are going to have to raise them separate from the flock. I don't know if that cage you have them in is big enough, but raising them in the coop, separately helps a lot when it comes time to integrate them with the flock.
Ok when the broody is done raising the chicks can I start to introduce them? Or do I have to wait until they are decent sized pullets?
When the broody is done and if the bought chicks are a good size, yes it would be a good time for the integration. When the bought chicks are introduced they will attract the attention of the rest of the flock more, so they will have to be able to take care of themselves. There is another way you could try now. If you could partition off a corner for the bought ones you could then make a opening large enough for the chicks yet to small for the adults, that will allow some mixing while giving the chicks a place to escape to. The chicks should soon learn that when the broody is present they should seek shelter.
Ok I have started to do this with a big box with an opening cut out of it. Is this enough or should I do more?
Just make sure, if the box is cardboard, it is sturdy. Remember the chickens will be jumping on it for sure. And having enough ventilation and light get in.

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