Hens not laying. What to feed them? Still layer feed? Too much protein?

Thank you all for replying. Our hens have had mites for a while. We have been giving them garlic in their food and we have been putting ashes out for them to dust bathe in. They are the good laying breeds, Plymouth rocks, buff orpingtons, brahmas, hampshires. A few other breeds. They had not had oyster shells for a while but they are now getting it. They were eating a lot of their eggs. They get vegetables scraps from the kitchen sometimes. They never get breads or meats. Thank you so much. Jesus is ALIVE!
You are not going to kill lice and mites with garlic and wood ashes. You need to buy some poultry dust to kill those little buggers!!
You are not going to kill lice and mites with garlic and wood ashes. You need to buy some poultry dust to kill those little buggers!!

I agree, Mystery solved, the poor things can't lay well while being attacked "for a while" by blood sucking mites. You need to treat them properly and everything else should fall into place.

While wood ash and garlic both have their place in a preventative way, neither will even put a dent in an active infestation. You are going to have to buy something to treat them with. Untreated birds will eventually start dying.

I would also suggest you buy fidos fleas wash, mix as per instructions and spray every surface in your coop as well.
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Thank you all for replying. Our hens have had mites for a while. We have been giving them garlic in their food and we have been putting ashes out for them to dust bathe in. They are the good laying breeds, Plymouth rocks, buff orpingtons, brahmas, hampshires. A few other breeds. They had not had oyster shells for a while but they are now getting it. They were eating a lot of their eggs. They get vegetables scraps from the kitchen sometimes. They never get breads or meats. Thank you so much. Jesus is ALIVE!
Oh, dear, The mites are slowing the chickens down. Garlic will not work. here is a link to an organic method :
I have not tried it. I use sevin dust. Clean out the coop really well treat the entire coop, nests etc. Dust each chicken thoroughly down to the skin (be careful not to get dust in their eyes, nose or mouth). Repeat in 7 days. Check frequently to make sure the mites are gone. Treat everything and everyone again until the mites are gone. those mites are slowly sucking the life right out of your birds. Good luck.
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Quote: Actually, I think 4% is about right.

Tho I like this regime:
I like to feed a 'flock raiser' 20% protein crumble to all ages and genders, as non-layers(chicks, males and all molting birds) do not need the extra calcium that is in layer feed and chicks and molters can use the extra protein. Makes life much simpler to store and distribute one type of chow that everyone can eat.

Animal protein (mealworms, a little cheese - beware the salt content, meat scraps) is provided during molting and if I see any feather eating.

Calcium should be available at all times for the layers, oyster shell mixed with rinsed, dried, crushed chicken egg shells in a separate container.

The higher protein crumble offsets the 8% protein scratch grains and other kitchen/garden scraps I like to offer.
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