Hens or Roos?


In the Brooder
Jul 29, 2015
Any help is appreciated! We have 5 chickens and I'm afraid 2 of them may be Roos! One my hubby loves so it'll be hard to get rid of him but I'm new to the world of chickens so I'm not sure if you can really tell yet. They are about 8-9 weeks old.

The 2 I'm most concerned about are the red and the white one you can see the best on the left. Their legs are huge and they are much thicker than my other birds. This was a week ago or so and they are fully feathered now with their faces, combs, and waddles being a lot more red than the others.
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Can you get better more recent pictures? The white one doesn't look like a cockerel, and I can't see much of the red one. We would be able to tell you with better individual pictures.
At 8 weeks those are all pullets. Can't say for sure on the one facing away from the camera, but everyone with their head in the pic is female.

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