Hens started singing

I got my first chickens in may, i do have a rooster well in oct i heard the girls making a racket was concerned something had
gotten into the coop.went out low and behold my first egg so i guess the girls were celabrating!
I got my first chickens in may, i do have a rooster well in oct i heard the girls making a racket was concerned something had
gotten into the coop.went out low and behold my first egg so i guess the girls were celabrating!
And they keep on celebrating..such a wonderful sound. But mine sing to fool me sometimes..just to get treats. lol
Are your chickens confined or free range? If free range, make sure to watch where they are singing. They can be very sneaky. If confined in coop + run, be sure to look in unexpected places. First eggs can be anywhere. I found a first egg on the chicken ramp and one by the water fount in the run.
Thanks for letting me know that. They are coop and run. I have nesting boxes set up but they don't seeminterestes in them at all. Lucy has been paying a lot attention to a certain place and I keep watching there
my hens normally sing that song after theyve layed an egg or if something changes around where they live

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