Hens stopped laying


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 31, 2012
I treated my one year old flock for Cocci last week because we found a lot of blood in the stool of one of our chickens. She passed that night. We treated the whole flock and they have completely stopped laying eggs. We have 5 remaining birds... we got one egg yesterday, and one on Saturday... None Thursday (we started the treatment Wednesday night), None Friday, None Sunday and None today.... What is going on?
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I treated my one year old flock for Cocci last week because we found a lot of blood in the stool of one of our chickens. She passed that night. We treated the whole flock and they have completely stopped laying eggs. We have 5 remaining birds... we got one egg yesterday, and one on Saturday... None Thursday (we started the treatment Wednesday night), None Friday, None Sunday and None today.... What is going on?
Several reasons for a decrease in egg production,chickens do get depressed when one of their flock members dies,they might not be feeling 100% well,heat will also drop egg production. All of these reasons will cause a decrease in egg production. Give them time,they will resume egg laying when they are ready.
Thank you! I was so worried that I was missing something. Everyone is acting normal and no more blood. I was afraid I was about to get hit with something else.

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