Her Eye Is Gone!!! Help!!!!

jeffers .com as told to me by by dawg53. he is the best! jeffers is pretty good too.
if you cant find the ointment just get duramycin-10 tractor supply will have it its in a white and yellow bag that saya antibiotic right on it 1/2 tbsp to a gallon of water and continue treatment for 5 days, looks to me like the eye is still there. hope this helps
They might have it at TSC. If not you might find something comparable at your pharmacy. Just make sure its an antibiotic, and does not contain steriods. Terramycin, neomycin, I can't think of any others right now, but they are all safe. Just make sure its opthamalic.
I agree! This is what I did for my girl with a injured eye. I also put Walgreen's Original strength Triple Antibiotic on her eye. (Petroleum Jelly consistency, not creme.) It has Bacitracin Zinc, Neomycin Sulfate and Polymyxin B Sulfate. My girl's eye had the inner eye lid damaged. I thought she would never see out of that eye again but she has made a full recovery. Make sure and keep her eye lids clean (where they close together) so they don't stick and get worse. I just used warm water with a cotton ball and squeezed water onto her eye lids and very gently wiped her eye. Then apply the ointment. Good luck!
Had the same thing happen about 2 months ago to my polish chicken, and she made a full recovery. I could have sworn her eyeball was ruptured, but after treating with erythromycin ointment (or terramycin) for a week she started improving. I did not separate my hen either, just observed their behavior, made sure she was eating and drinking, and she got better pretty fast.

Today she is so much better, we did not give her any ointment or anything!! her eye is much less swollen, and her eye is half open! Instead of such a pale color, her eye is red, like it should be!! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!
I think we will keep her in confinement for another day or two and then try and slowly reintroduce her into the flock. I don't think we will need the ointment
so i am very happy.

Thamks for all the help!

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