her feathers are comming out of her head. . . . . why??

I dont know if anyone has checked back here or not ?
my hen is getting skinner. . . maybe I should separate her from the flock?
My Roxy is the top dog of our flock, outranks the boys, but has had a balding head for months now. I thought it was her molting, however her feathers don't seem to have any intentions on coming back.
Poor her. She was so pretty before...She's eating just fine and is as healthy as a horse, so we're letting her be.

Could anything be stressing your girl out? I know some humans who lose hair because of stress...
On a serious note, her getting thinner says that something else may be wrong. This isn't my field of knowledge, just keep an eye out and see what others have to say. Good luck!
Sometimes a hen that's getting feathers pulled out by others will be skittish about hanging around the others, and will miss out on chances to eat as much. I'd recommend setting up a feeder for her next to a perch where she can get away from the other chickens, if this is the case, and feeding her extra treats and high-quality food.
You obviously are a caring owner to her
You should remove her or the roo. She is indeed the favorite and her weight loss is probably a combination of factors. Running from the roo, acting strange so now running from the other hens.
One of my girls had that happen too, except the mysterious missing feathers were on her face and upper neck. Turns out she was molting for the first time. Dont worry too much.
Baby needs a break, I guess. It also helps to have various places for them to feed to minimize competition when one of them is getting short-shrifted. I'm betting she gets pecked whenever she tries to feed- could be a more dominant hen, too.

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