Herb Garden - pics


Aug 24, 2009
BC Canada
This is my herb gardens third season. I love the different scents, shapes and colours all in one place. It always makes me smile.

I featured it in my blog today with more pics and descriptions of what is growing.




So envy you! I don't have enough flat ground on my farm to lay herbs out the way yours are! Are there any herbs that you would add to your garden? Any you have found you don't use? I know I planted 2 varieties of parsley 1 year & then figured I didn't like either for cooking. My DD did use the parsley for decorating our plates to make meals fancy! Also my marjoram & sage took off like crazy & I realized I hardly use it.
Have you tried drying your parsley? I always have dried parsley on hand to add to soup, stew, roasts, etc. I have a number of herbs I don't use as such. They are there for scent, looks and variety of leaves. I do use some fresh and also dry a number of them.

Sage takes a very look time to dry. This year I think I will hang it until the leaves are crumbly. Last year I tried the dehydrator but it took forever.

As for additions, there are always interesting herbs I haven't grown yet and have a tendency to buy a small potted herb now and then. Sometimes they stay, other times they are replaced by others.

I love the way you have your her garden set up, it's gorgous!
I've got mine scattered all over the yard (for optimum growing conditions) and just started spreading them into the garden this year to help out our beneficial insects.

Is that garlic in the first picture (upper left hand corner)?
I planted a few cloves from store bought garlic last November and just harvest it last week. We'll be placing a large garlic order, for this years planting, now that I know we can grow it here.

No those are onions but I do have garlic as well. I plant it in the fall and cover it with hay/straw. It grows huge and my mom loves it so I share alot with her.

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