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lol well most pollen allergies are just irritation. you can try a small piece with the meds nearby just incase. I haven't heard of a need for a hospital. But either way you can show them the article and see if they are willing to try it as a hel. Since they will need to purchase it anyhow. The problem with allergy meds too is that in time they stop working.
lol well most pollen allergies are just irritation. you can try a small piece with the meds nearby just incase. I haven't heard of a need for a hospital. But either way you can show them the article and see if they are willing to try it as a hel. Since they will need to purchase it anyhow. The problem with allergy meds too is that in time they stop working.
I guess i'll try it, but I'm blaming you. :p Yes and they make you droggy, and I hate being that. I'm already taking meds that cause it. YA don't need anymore meds.
Raw, locally produced honey can also sort of "vaccinate" you against allergies, and it's a bit easier to get ahold of than pollen. The locally produced part is key, because it has to contain the same pollen you're reacting to. You would want to eat at least two teaspoons throughout pollen season.

Stinging nettle is pretty effective against the symptoms, and it doesn't make you drowsy. You can buy capsules, tinctures, and tea at just about any store that carries herbal medicine, but it also grows pretty much everywhere and it's easy to make your own tea (just make sure you wear gloves when gathering, as it does, you know, sting when raw).


My Dad swears by his Neti Pot, but I've never been able to master them. I like the idea, but I always end up sputtering and coughing. They make over-the-counter nasal sprays now that are just saline, to kind of reproduce the Neti effect without the yogi acrobatics. I've never tried it, but it might be worth a shot?

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I have heard about the honey, but many people said it was not effective for them. Yet raw honey has sooo many other health benefits one can acquire from it. I would do both :p
That's cool . Well many resources are available. I think if anyone did their own research and read books you can do well. There are botanists you can go to and possibly apprentice under for learning identification of plants as well. I have leaned a lot from elderly who knew what was what and then went on-line to verify and sure enough. I love grooming from others. it's like a golden thread passed down from one person to another ... used to weave a beautiful tapestry of knowledge. Something that is fast disappearing in today's society. I would encourage all young people to take advantage of a disappearing gift and learn something special from the wise or experienced, from making things out of wood, to making cheese, learning the gifts of the land... *sigh* It's almost a romantic thought
about such ways.
Yes definitely get what info where one can. T me the biggest things is wildcraft knowledge, knowing proper identification of the plant. One can always reference books for what they can do.. but identifying is a biggy.
In n an effort to keep this wonderful thread going . . .

Learning plant ID from another person has been the way for me-- I feel more comforatable when some one says this is ____ and this is _______. Like teaching hte kids poison ivy versus the near look alike.

I have allergies all year round now-- haven't been able to find a pettipost at CVS, like they are hidden in a secret place. SO will opt for the nasel spray, and will continue to take a daily shower to remove any bothersome dander etc.

Yes, I have a mild allergy to chickens, and to horses. ANd my sinuses are stuffy ALL THE TIME. ANd I am at the point of having to make a big diecision as I can't keep living this way-- and that is the crux of it+ trying to sleep is nearly impossible. As soon as I lay out in bed, the inflamation increases.

-- changing diet to a diuretic
-- use a nasel spray
-- currently use flonase
-- moving chicks out of the house permanently
--looking to buy stinging nettle
looks like mushrooms are good too-- I only know 10g a day average for prevention of cancers . . . not sure on inflammation specifically.

(Let's keep this good one rolling. )

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