Here I am and here is my little flock


10 Years
Feb 16, 2009
Finaly got some chicks and build up a nice coop ( I may move in with them soon hehe )

I got 9 chicks from a local lady on craiglist for free then 2 made thier way out the crate I had them in the first couple of days while in the garage ( they still hanging out in my front yard but wont let me catch them )

Think 3 of them are roosters if not more here is some pics of the flock and some pics of the coop build



Your design is fabulous as is the great looking chicks.

However, may I suggest that you reinforce your chicken wire with hardware cloth. Dogs and raccoons both can rip through chickenwire like it was nothing. I don't want you to lose your chickens.

Welcome to BYC where people really care about other people's flocks!
I been stuck here already for a while
but never did a introduction thread figured now that I have some thing to show off I would

Actually I am going today to the Home depot to get harder wire to put on the outside of the chicken wire i will go with a 3 foot tall garden wire its pretty heavy gauge welded wire

the design was on ebay some guy was selling it for $30 but all I needed is to see how it looked from his pictures and me and my friend who is a carpenter did it

we ended up with a 6 deep x 10 long x 8 high ( since the lumber is 8 ft long already why cut it )

a 4x6 hen house that is elevated off the ground with a under storage for feed supplies etc

didnt do the egg collection and roost yet but this weekend we should come up with something

thanks for all ur input chicken gurus

I cant wait to go out and get them eggs soon

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