Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Nicely done, bull! Is its breathing getting any stronger?

Breathing is still pretty weak, but it's hanging in there. The back/sides of its head from behind its eyes to the upper neck seem to be unusually swollen and balloony-squishy... sort of like there's fluid buildup there. Best way I can describe it. I dunno. Just wait and see, I guess. Keep asking myself why I chose goose eggs for my first incubating experience... I guess 1st baby answers that for me. I LOVE goslings! My favorite baby birds. Like feathery puppies.

3rd baby is still in the shell, but peeping and nibbling at the edges of the hole in the shell. 2nd baby is nearly dry, and the swelling on the abdomen has completely receded. That was quick!
Awesome! I'm waiting for my baby to get up from nap so I can move him into brooder tank with my Cayuga. Then, I am hitting the hay... I am exhausted and get to deal with my dewlaps pipping in the morning.
Here is the new baby:

Sue, I cannot imagine living in tornado alley. Hurricane land was bad enough, storms weren't very often, and we had plenty of warning to get prepared.

Aw, its so cute Iain!

You get used to it, seriiously. You just learn to watch the sky and use your ears. We had two tornado sirens last night, had to get girls up and scurry to the basement and sit. (I prefer that to having to go "crapola, its getting close, ok everyone duck and cover!")

And the baby is out... Whew!


My new gosling is huge, loud, and adorable!

Yay, Squeeky has a sibling!! Looks just like each other.

Awesome! I'm waiting for my baby to get up from nap so I can move him into brooder tank with my Cayuga. Then, I am hitting the hay... I am exhausted and get to deal with my dewlaps pipping in the morning.

Good work, Iain!
I know what advise i am going to get here, but I am going crazy.... I put 4 goose eggs into lockdown Thursday evening. They are due to hatch today. Yesterday morning I was getting lots of peeping. Last night one pipped. during the night two more pipped and it is deathly quiet in there and no more movement. I went thru this two weeks ago wwith six eggs. I helped three hatch finally and one all lived for a week and then one was just dead with no reason. one drowned itself the second night and the other is HUGE! it is growing like crazy and running after me in th yard when I take it out. so cute. I know to leave them alone but the three I did that with last time were shrink wrapped and dead. i know that if I open it to make them a breathing hole, it is to late to stop so I have resisted,, but they are sooo quiet in there. they pipped but no all the way thru. I can see that tough membrane and I cant figure out what the heck is going wrong. I have done this other years with no problems but this year it is a disaster! I hate to think I a just leaving them to die in the shell, but I know that they are not as strong if I help them out. But you really wouldnt know it by looking at my big guy out in the Someone.. please tell me to back
I know what advise i am going to get here, but I am going crazy.... I put 4 goose eggs into lockdown Thursday evening. They are due to hatch today. Yesterday morning I was getting lots of peeping. Last night one pipped. during the night two more pipped and it is deathly quiet in there and no more movement. I went thru this two weeks ago wwith six eggs. I helped three hatch finally and one all lived for a week and then one was just dead with no reason. one drowned itself the second night and the other is HUGE! it is growing like crazy and running after me in th yard when I take it out. so cute. I know to leave them alone but the three I did that with last time were shrink wrapped and dead. i know that if I open it to make them a breathing hole, it is to late to stop so I have resisted,, but they are sooo quiet in there. they pipped but no all the way thru. I can see that tough membrane and I cant figure out what the heck is going wrong. I have done this other years with no problems but this year it is a disaster! I hate to think I a just leaving them to die in the shell, but I know that they are not as strong if I help them out. But you really wouldnt know it by looking at my big guy out in the Someone.. please tell me to back

I can tell you to back off... but this is my first year and my haches so far have been hands off
they do take long rest times.... do you have a real steamy place where you can pull them out and listen to them and maybe candle for movement ?
I would have to unplug and take the whole incubator into the bathroom to do that and to tell the truth, no matter how hot I have never steamed up that room. pretty big.. i see on here that some do open the end and then leave them to come out. I am tempted by tht after seeing three die in the shell two weeks ago. I would feel better if only I knew that they have air. I am going to wait and give them longer and hope I dont regret it. I guess. lol Why is it so hard to walk away?
I know what advise i am going to get here, but I am going crazy.... I put 4 goose eggs into lockdown Thursday evening. They are due to hatch today. Yesterday morning I was getting lots of peeping. Last night one pipped. during the night two more pipped and it is deathly quiet in there and no more movement. I went thru this two weeks ago wwith six eggs. I helped three hatch finally and one all lived for a week and then one was just dead with no reason. one drowned itself the second night and the other is HUGE! it is growing like crazy and running after me in th yard when I take it out. so cute. I know to leave them alone but the three I did that with last time were shrink wrapped and dead. i know that if I open it to make them a breathing hole, it is to late to stop so I have resisted,, but they are sooo quiet in there. they pipped but no all the way thru. I can see that tough membrane and I cant figure out what the heck is going wrong. I have done this other years with no problems but this year it is a disaster! I hate to think I a just leaving them to die in the shell, but I know that they are not as strong if I help them out. But you really wouldnt know it by looking at my big guy out in the Someone.. please tell me to back

Your eggs externally pipped last night? We would get a better idea of how they are doing if you posted pics of the pips. However, I believe you should be good! On average, it takes 24 hours from external pip to zipping. If you use a styro bator with a viewing window, you can listen for the breathing with steth and check on them that way without opening bator.

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