Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Steven that link isn't working, maybe use photobucket or something similar

I posted a link to an album for Photobucket. The ones that look completely smooth are, but they do have curves to a couple back feathers. I was told they are Buffs and then there's the Blue female. There's a Curly Buff Gander, Curly Blue Goose, and 2 smooth feathered buffs (Gander and Goose.)
Ok 4 smooth geese. Smooth refers to the chest curl (curly) or none (smooth) so you have 2 completely smooth (didn't see any chaps or back/wing curl) buff. 1 smooth buff (with back curl) and 1 gray smooth (also has chaps/back/wing curl).

How are they settling in?
Ok 4 smooth geese. Smooth refers to the chest curl (curly) or none (smooth) so you have 2 completely smooth (didn't see any chaps or back/wing curl) buff. 1 smooth buff (with back curl) and 1 gray smooth (also has chaps/back/wing curl).
How are they settling in?

Thanks for the info!

They are settling in OK so far. One of the ganders is very hissy while the other is laid back. I may need a broom to herd them in at night.. I don't trust that gander he seems to want to get to me very badly!
Give him time, McGraw our gray boy doesn't like being bothered, and puts on a wonderful "show" with no real intent behind it. Just remember, it's just the end of breeding season, and they are in a new place, new routine so they may be more keyed up.
Ok, I am beyond excited. Just bought these......




Now time to list and sell the two Brinsea Eco's that won't be needed. No sense in letting them collect dust.

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