Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Hi. The shadows are just starting at the back and need to move around the side and into the front before you can expect internal pipping. What day of incubation are you on and do you know weight the weight loss rate is?

I think your egg is at the same stage as the first graphic but needs to increase the shadowing to resemble the second graphic before internal pipping will occur. This where the shadows have moved to the sides and front.

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Hi Sue. The eggs already lost 9.3% of its Day 17 weight which is too much and I estimate its lost around 20% of its laid weight. You need to bring up the humidity and decrease the weight loss rate. However the gosling may still be OK but its running a little late but hopefully the shadows will increase and it will internally pip in the next 24 hours. What breed is it and can you refresh my memory of your temp and humidity and where the egg's from.

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Hi Sue. The eggs already lost 9.3% of its Day 17 weight which is too much and I estimate its lost around 20% of its laid weight. You need to bring up the humidity and decrease the weight loss rate. However the gosling may still be OK but its running a little late but hopefully the shadows will increase and it will internally pip in the next 24 hours. What breed is it and can you refresh my memory of your temp and humidity and where the egg's from.

Embden from my own geese... I'm aiming for a 99 degree temp but it's staying in the 98.5 to 99.5 range so it doesn't surprise me that it's taking a bit longer ... humidity has been 30-40%
Hi Sue. Thats OK as Embdens do often take a little longer but I think if this egg is typical of your eggs then you need to up your humidity a little so it falls in the 40-50% range. Its all a learning curve including environment factors and your own eggs etc.

Im anticipating an increase in shadows in the next day so an updated pic 24 hours from now would be great.

Best of luck Sue
Thanks Pete! Since this is my first ever attempt to hatch it's all a learning experience. I've increased the humidity and will post a picture tomarrow.
Again Thanks alot!
Iain and Celtic -

I got my eggs today, all in great shape. Did you get yours?? I just have my sitting little end down, I'll turn every 12 hours.
I love how huge they are! So much bigger than my Giant Peking eggs even! My kids were way impressed. I'm going to Walmart to buy another LCD flashlight to candle with. I havn't checked out their air pockets or anything yet. Waiting for you two to tell me what to do. I did go reread peats directions, however.

I have 5-6 goose eggs a week that I just throw out and thought I would offer them to anyone here. Thought since some of you are new to hatching that these might have a home instead of scrambled eggs for the dogs. They will come from the free range geese that most are utility africans, one show quality china goose, and a giant african gander. I also have a pen with a pilgrim goose and african gander. If anyone wants these let me know. I just breed to the standard for what I'm working on so I don't hatch these but someone may want them.

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