Here we go again - I'm hatching more goslings!!

Hey Marty, busy busy around here as always. Picked up a new goat yesterday, he isn't even 3 weeks old and being bottle fed. Should make a good first herd sire around here.

Get some pictures of your crew soon please? Would love to see how they are all doing. The boys wing feathers, he could be in his early molt, he is one of the oldest after all. Will watch the others from that age group and see if they are showing signs of most.

Hey Plant, hubby is doing much better again for now. He has good and bad days, so we take the good ones any chance we get. Thanks for asking. :)

aaa, sounds like you had an eventure! Babies are easier to place together than adult birds. If you aren't seeing anything abnormal, she sounds good and eats good I would let them start getting to know each other. Did you see the parent stock while there? We're they in good health as well?
Whenever I go out back, its too water, and thus I never bring my phone since I don't want it to get wet. I do need to get pics though. Some of them are quite lovely. One white one has a feather so long its almost dragging he ground allready! They sebbies seem to like to pass thier days herding the smaller geese around.
And the toulouse babies (and a few ducks and a sebbie) all just run off to the next wood and water station. I've pretty much let them take over the entire back yard and some of the middle areas. Everyone is growing like weeds. In fact, I have a little tall grass presearve that the geese have all decided must be beaten into submission. They look so cut working away at pieces of grass that grow 5 feet above their heads allready. They haven't really made much headway, but they are very determined!

Are you doing ok? I hope today finds you in a happy place, very very much.
No I did not see the parent stock unfortunately. the man I got her from is a middle man he gets his birds from various farms in his area. She looks good this morning she its eating and drinking good. As long as I stay right next to her she is fine
Marty, we are doing very well. Hubby is having a good day, will be done on base shortly and back home. The storm is GONE, time to clean up downed branches ect and let the geese back out front.

aaa, ah yes an animal broker. Sorry you didn't see the parents, but good that she is doing well. I would let them see each other so you aren't feeling guilty having to leave her alone to do other things.
Marty sounds like your geese are in a happy place!

Celtic, glad your hubby has s some good days, And its doing better than before.

After I let every one out and feed them this morning I will take Winnie out side to meet willow will take pics to pat
Well it has been a long day but a good one, this new little goose is fearless and adorable! I took Willow and bud to their grassy place to graze and put Winnie in with them there and she stuck her little neck out and screamed at the top of her little lungs what I interpreted to mean " I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU!!" lol then they kinda snapped at her and she snapped right back and scared Willow so bad that he ran behind me to hide lol then she just plopped her little self down right in between Willow and Bud and that was that. And I get to sleep tonight because she is out there with them yay!!!
Will post pics in a.m. computer too slow tonight and them darn girl ducks and the roosters start hollerin at 6 am to be let out!

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