Here we go already...


10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
Southern Vermont
My fiancée and I went to a somewhat local swap today. Unfortunately all the chickens that were there were older, so we didn't make any purchases, but then I rememberd that the TSC the swap was at had chickens in also.

Our original plan was only to do chickens this year, but she fell in love with the ducklings. We got three "Mallards" (I think they are actually Rouen) and three "Sex Links" (that I think are Buff Orps). I really wish they provided more information, and actually knew what birds they were selling at the store, but I think they were just putting names on the bins that matched what was pre-printed on the boxes.

I also have 6 Barred Rock pullets, and 6 RIR pullets on order for next week. So hopefully that will round out my collection for this season. (Although there is one more local swap coming up.)

So here we go... I'm starting construction on the coop tomorrow, and we are already expanding things. Fortunately I'll be able to easily adapt changes to the coop incase the chicks and ducks have issues. I may end up moving the entire coop a little bit closer to our pond now, but I need to find out if I need to reapply for the building permit in order to do that. Hopefully the zoning admin (who I'm friends with) will allow the change without a two-week wait.

I think I did however manage to get my fiancée nice and addicted to the hobby!

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