Hey all!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 2, 2011
New to the forum but my wife has been on the website many times. We have 22 chickens of all different breeds from a jerky little rosecomb rooster to our huge black Cochin. Last month as a science project for my wifes kindergarten class we hatched a goose. Now the real fun begins!! We decided that the goose is going to travel to school with my wife from now on, after all, it was born there it should work there too right:) Have lots of questions now about her.
BTW, we also have 2 boxers and a cat!! The house is going to be full!!
Glad to have ya!
Welcome! Wow, the goose will travel! When I was teaching, we had a goose, and ended up giving it to one of student's family. She loved all the kids, but was very protective of them. Left painful bruises on us all. The family shared that she was an absolute joy once settling in, to the point of having a serious crush on their dog. If the dog was sleeping, she'd slide up next to him and drape her neck over him. The only problem they had with her was an obsession with Oreo Cookies. Any whom partook of them in the yard were guaranteed to have the treat strongarmed from their grasp.

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