Hey everybody!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 23, 2014
Hi my name is Jerry and I'm new to this site. I don't usually join things like this but I just got some chicks a while back after not having any for many years and I decided to join. I got a lot of good info from this site and others before I purchased my chicks.
Ever since I got my chicks things have been going along great. Just put them out in the new coop a week or so ago and they love it. The other day when it was raining I looked out and they were all out in the run scratching around in the rain..... I always thought chickens hated to get wet? Does anyone else out there have chickens that like to be out in the rain????
Thanks! I have checked it out. Before I joined I actually spent a lot of time on here and other places reading things. I just always thought chickens hated to be wet... hence the saying "mad as an old wet hen" Totally threw me when I saw them all out scratching around in the rain.

Welcome to BYC!

I have some chickens that panic when the tiniest of drops start to fall, and others will wander around in a drenching rain. Generally most chickens don't like to get their feathers wet. Wet feathers do not allow for controlling their internal thermostats or to keep them warm or cool. So they would rather not get them wet. But some birds are just crazy! LOL

Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!
Thanks! I'm not a total newbie to chickens we had lots when I was a kid. Actually I had a couple mallard ducks too. They are really fun to watch. I have been enjoying the whole process of building the coop, picking out what breeds I wanted, watching them grow and learn how to be chickens etc. I think I enjoy them more as an adult. Things that they do bring back a lot of memories that I thought I had forgotten. Even the simplest things like the smell of the fresh shavings when you walk in the coop.

It's all good
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X4, some of mine don't seem to mind the rain and will wander around in the middle of a downpour... think that they have figured out that good things to eat appear when/after it rains and they are getting a head start.
Hi, Jerry, welcome to BYC. Chickens love to be out in light rain. It seems to activate the insects they love to eat.

I've had both kinds of birds - those that mind the rain and those that prefer to stay inside. My current batch of Aussies seem to be the latter. If it's raining, they're usually hanging out under the coop.

Like you, I just got back into chicken raising after years of not being able to (living in apartments). It's good to be back!

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