Hey Everyone


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2016
Central Florida
Hi, I'm LaurelTree! Feel free to call me Laurel, or really just about whatever you want. I'm a relatively friendly and open person, and I just recently fell in love with with chickens (and ducks, lol.) So, needless to say, I'm pretty eager to get involved in this community.

Right now we have five one-year-old Black Australorp hens, one Australorp rooster of the same age, six fourteen-week-old Rhode Island Red pullets, and four fourteen-week-old Pekin ducks of unknown gender (but my current guess is three males and one female) in our relatively decent sized coop. And, as of a week ago, I hatched out my very first clutch of seven Australorp chicks!

My current desire is to get this flock to be self sustaining and maybe even bringing in a small profit, but it seems we need to be producing more eggs than five at most every day. So, the plan is to build up three separate flocks of ten laying hens and one rooster each. One would be Black Australorps, another would be Rhode Island Reds, and the third would be Barred Plymouth Rocks. I've heard wonderful things about these breeds and how they fit well with Florida heat (Yep, I'm a Florida gall). And not only do I like the experience I've had with the Aussies and Reds over these past few months, but we've had a Barred Plymouth Rock hen before, and she was a sweetie.

Quick backstory: When I was about 11-12 years old, my parents let my four siblings and I purchase a chick each from a local feed store. We brooded them in an extra rabbit cage and then kept them in the back yard for a little over a year. There were three Easter Egger types that I can't remember the exact name of (they were moody little ladies and bullied the other two), a Barred Plymouth Rock, and a Buff Orpington. They never laid a single egg, which our more knowledgeable chicken keeping friends attributed to the very possible stress of a noisy suburban atmosphere, and the Buffy and BPR eventually died of illness as they were both kept with one another. The other three were separate so they couldn't be bullies, and after we realized we couldn't keep them happy, we gave them to our family friends. Nine-ish years later and we're having much better success.

Through it all, I'm still learning things as I go, and would love-love-love any help or advice. Links with instructions, best feed brands, home made feed and scratch recipes, local hen sellers, you name it. Likewise, if you think I may be able to help you with something, feel more than free to ask. I'd certainly love to know I'm doing something right, and if I can help someone in anyway, then I must be, lol.

As for connecting with them...go sit on the floor of the run or someplace relatively contained. Bring a bag of goodies and hold the tasty tidbits in your hand. You can sprinkle some around you, but let the birds come to you. Sit quietly every day with them on their level. Eventually they see you as something to be quite trusted and once they have climbed all over your lap to get goodies, they will want to sit on you. As long as all your encounters are positive, it doesn't take them long to bond closely with you. Food!! The best bonding agent ever!! Ha!
That's very encouraging to hear! I guess I just need to be a little bit more patient with these ladies, lol. And I should probably take our new babies out for some lap time more often. I think my dad has done that the most out of my siblings and I. It's actually really cute to watch him take out a couple, grab a handful of feed, then sit in his chair with them sitting on his belly while he watches TV.

As for the hens and rooster, I definitely give them a homemade scratch almost every evening that I've been using to teach them to come when called, but I don't really sit with them anymore. I used to all the time in the first month we had them, which seemed to help them warm up to us, but I honestly haven't really thought about it much since then. I'll try to do this more often, at least on the weekends and my days off. I'm sure my littler sister will like to do this too, especially if she gets lap chickens out of it, lol.

Thanks again TwoCrows! I really appreciate your time and advice.
Nice to meet you Laurel. I advise you to check out the Learning Center and also post on your state thread. Just put state name in the search box and it will come up. That's the best way to find out if you have chickeners for neighbors. The local folk will have the best information about your area.
Hi Laurel and
- great to have you onboard with us.

You'll find lots of info in the Learning Centre
https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center, and if you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads. There's at least one thread on making your own food, one on cooking (and another on baking) and there's the buy/sell/trade forum - which you can participate on once you have made 20 posts.

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area - https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/26/where-am-i-where-are-you

All the best

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