Hey Gang! Whatcha think of my plans and Rooster issue?

what do you plan to line your nest boxes with to help you clean them out?
I have both in mine. shavings at the bottom and straw on top of them. they seem to like them, however, I have one hen that made her own nest in the corner of the coop! Sometimes I have 5 eggs in it and sometimes 1 and 5 in the boxes. Weird creatures!!!
I have a bail of straw hay, but I am out of shavings. the new coop and setting up the brooder ran me out of shavings. Most people use straw in their nest boxes. You can have some of that...

I meant under the straw or hay Tony, so if they poop in it--it is easier to pull it out and discard it--instead of the poop ending up on the wood.........

I bought plastic bins at Walmart that fit my nest boxes, and put the hay in them---thought then I could just pull them out and dump them and wash them. But, what do I know, my chickens aren't even old enough to lay eggs yet!!!!
We are trying to deal with the heat....it has been 105+++ here the last couple of days. One thing that they like is that I put a tray/baking sheet/shallow pan with water in it on the floor....they stand in it, drink, poop, squat in it, etc....but they like it.
I can post pics again! :D

So here is the Dorking hanging with the young ones... notice the sand ...


And here are the corner roosts I put in...


Awesome idea for the corner roosts. I had already decided that I was gonna put in some outdoor roosting spots in my run for them, but those seem very, VERY popular. Looks like theres a line forming, lol

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