Hey guys!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 21, 2009
Short introduction - son of a father who in his childhood (way back when...) kept a ton of chickens and peacocks at home. This finally transfered to our family home about 5 years ago. I'm currently looking after them as the parents have moved country for a few years (new job and all that), so this is a steep learning curve!!

I've created an automatic chicken door opener which opens the door in the morning and closes it at night - I'll post more details in the appropriate thread later.

Also, one of the ladies seems to be having some feet trouble - again, I'll post in the appropriate forum.

So hello!! Hopefully I'll be around for a bit!!

(I guess this is the section where I write what type of chickens I have - well, I have no idea. They're hens, one of them lays, one is speckled grey and one is brown, and the brown one is a few years younger than the grey one. That's all I can provide, I'm afraid!!)

welcome from rhode island
hola from Michigan! so glad you're here!


you've inherited chickens. your a legacy chickener. fab. rock on. come to my house. i have eleventy more for you! what? you think i jest. i jest not. NOT! i jest not. and they all come complete with names. names i say.

'some call me Tim.' that's all i could think of when i read your handle.

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