Hey Mom, Did You Get Dessert?


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Trapped in my computer
This thread is based on "Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper?"

I am in desperate need of recipies for desserts. Please help! If you know any good recipes that don't require too many ingredients please post them here. Thanks!

By the way, here's a little story for you.

Once upon a time, a man was checking out an abandoned mine in the desert then he came to a strange looking lamp. He stared at it a while, then, as a joke to himself tried rubbing it to see if it would produce a genie. Sure enough, it did!

So, he put the genie in the lamp on the seat of his car, then got in and started driving. Suddenly a mysterious voice said "YOU HAVE THREE WISHES."

"Oh?" replied the man. "I wish for a million dollars. I wish for a chicken farm. I'll save the rest for later."

Later, as he was driving, he heard his favorite song on the radio and began to sing along:

"I WISH I WERE AN OSCAR-MEYER WEINER..................."

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