Hey, Photoshoppers; care to help me with a graphic?


Ranger Rick
12 Years
Oct 27, 2007
Southwest Mississippi
I just bought a domain name. (Don't bother looking. It's not up yet.) LOL

I need a logo. And while I do mess around with MS Image Composer a lot, I don't have the skills I need to make a picture like I want.

The site is called Hall's Little Farm (hallslittlefarm.com) The main background color will probably be something close to manila with dark green buttons and dark purple accents. (Made in FrontPage.)

What I am imagining is a little red barn type chicken house with "Hall's Little Farm" over the door (in a font that makes it look like it is made of pieces of lumber... something like the sufficient self site logo, but in color. And maybe the ".com" on the end of it, but looks like it's nailed on crooked, or almost falling off. But any reasonable design will be considered.

If you'd like to take up the challenge, please PM me. I think it would be better that way than to have people posting designs here in the forum. I can't pay you, but I can post credit on my website and link to your site, if it is family friendly.

I will post back here periodically as I start uploading content to the web page. I may be asking for more help!!

Thanks for looking.

Ugh! Godaddy is being a pain in the butt. :p Does anyone use it? I'm feeling like a technology moron at the moment. I don't know why they don't make it more intuitive. I have heard they were a pretty good service, but this is the first time I've used them. I guess I am stuck with them for a year, I just bought 2 domains for about $50. I am having trouble with my FrontPage, too. It doesn't want to let me open a new blank website. It keeps opening up previous websites that I've worked on (in spite of my efforts to close and delete them.) WEIRD.

Hey Cassandra, I can't help you with your question, but I'm curious how you got to be "Ranger Rick"? There's got to be a good story!
Yeah, it was kinda funny. I had a tenant with racoon problems and related the story here:


And asked if I look like Ranger Rick. At the time, I didn't have any idea what Ranger Rick was. Just a name I pulled out of the air. I may have seen a commercial or PSA about it as a child, but I don't remember.

A funny coincidence is that the National Wildlife Federation has a children's magazine called Ranger Rick. But what made it really hilarious me is that the mascot for the Ranger Rick magazine is a raccoon.

I honestly had no idea. Here is his picture, on the left of the Ranger Rick banner... waving to the kiddies with his little green Robin Hood hat on:



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