

Mar 17, 2015
Heya! From Canada
New to the site, new to poultry keeping (unless you can count the ducks I had for pets the summer I turned four...) undecided as to which breed/s I'm going to start with as yet and yeah...hmmm...ummm...yeah, what else. LOL

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Total NOOB!

(2) How many chickens do you have right now? none as of yet but coop planning...(note* coupe spelling in my nickname refers to my automobile hobby, a little tongue in cheek humour just for the fun of it because all the other nicknames I came up with prior to this one were already taken. LOL

(3) What breeds do you have? Orpington's and Chantecler's so far have most votes as to what to begin with, but Rhode Island Red's and Cochin's and Maran's are also on the want list, plus of course Silkies. Can you get Collonca's or any other colloured egg breeds out of South America?

(4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com? uh, once again Thank You Google!

(5) What are some of your other hobbies? The internet isn't big enough to list in detail!
Old Autos, wooden boats, woodworking, old farm-houses, *horticulture*, foodie, fiber arts, museums, folk arts, ah hell that's just the first things off the top of my head.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.
Wish me luck, just interviewed for a local job in horticulture (my preferred field). Recently relocated to south-western Ontario from the Toronto are. Back out to the country.

Living with the folks until I can buy my own little piece of country paradise. Four acres of farmyard complete with two steel clad insulated clear-span barns and 1800's red brick farmhouse. Great location, wonderful setup. Currently occupying one of the three spare bedrooms. Glad the folks don't mind the company because I'm loving it in this area. Even have my eye on a couple of old properties in the area for when I have my down payment saved up. Until then some backyard chickens feel like a good pastime to keep things interesting. Only the family dog at the moment for pets and she's more like family than a pet.
No internet at the farm and I'm not much of one for social media so I'll be on here sporadically and likely infrequently as the mood sways me. Much like my other online activities.
Really enjoy reading, browsing and generally learning new things about poultry (chickens in particular). I've already read everything the local library system has to offer on chickens. LOL I'm also VERY INTERESTED in reading (and collecting) antique books on raising chickens. It's a fairly recent addition to my list of hobbies. I think I'm trying slowly killing my brain by stuffing it with information and interests! But it's so much fun! ...until it explodes.
ANYHOW....It's late, my caffeine and chocolate high is rapidly draining (yay for Tim Horton's new dark chocolate hot cocoa) and the girl's at the coffee shop here are wanting to mop the floors so I'm signing out for the night before they throw me out with the mop water. lol

I will reply to any and all correspondence, just don't expect it in a timely fashion is all.
Peace and good journeys.

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NIce to meet you Dueces, I don't think too many interests kill your brain- you are exercising it which is very good. I don't know about South American breeds maybe the next responders can address that.
and Welcome to BYC!

Glad to have you join! Feel free to make yourself at home!
Definitely sounds like you've got a lot going on! Welcome to BYC! I'm a noob myself, and have found some great information through the people on BYC.

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