Hi all I am Aris from Greece !


11 Years
Jul 5, 2012
Greece ,Chania
I found the forum while I was searching info for the Dutch Bantams which happens to be my favorite breed,I had a trio (a Gold Partridge pair and a Blue Partridge hen)at the past which I loved but lost from a weasel but it's difficult to find anymore since most of the chicken breeders in my area have mutt bantams.
What I have in my family's backyard are the following, 1 rooster & 14 hens (all mutts with gene of RIR, Barred,White Rock and local not certified from any poultry association breeds), 1 mutt bantam hen & 5 mutt bantam chicks(3 boys 2girls) , 3 (Broad Breasted ?) White turkey pullets , 1 pair of rabbits & many offsprings.
The last days I surf around all the topics and I thought ,hey it's about time to sign in and introduce myself so here I am !!!

Excuse my current and future language and grammar mistakes since English is not my native language.
Do not worry about language andgrammatical mistakes. Some natives do FAR worse than you.
Hello and welcome to BYC!
Glad you joined us!

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