hi all!


11 Years
Dec 8, 2011
Waco texas
Hi all, love the site. Has helped me more than just a few time. About me? Live in central texas all my life. Lived with my grandmother most of my childhood. She had about 20 or so leghorn chickens and about 6 geese. Part of my chores was to feed and water her chickens and geese. Gather all eggs every day after school and clean coop out once a month. And as a child I would have never thought I would have chickens as a adult. I always hated taking care of her flock. But one day last spring my 4 yr old grandson who lives with us was at atwoods and saw the day old chicks and had to have one. So we walked out with 4 Rhode island red 3 leghorns chicks ($19.25) 2 bags of chick starter ($12) and a brooder light ($10). Then I picked up 6 buff orpington from a local breeder I found on craigs list (for my broody hens) ($9). Seeing that they where sold as first run I had great deal of luck. I only got three roosters out of my new flock. And those where from breeder that wouldn’t let me pick out my chicks. The other at atwoods, I used my grandmothers process of picking pullets. I remember she would take the chicks and hold them up side down by there feet and if they just hung upside down she call them a pullet, if they tried to pull up and peck at her hand it was a roo. And the best I can remember she was right most of time. And it seem to work for me as well, this time at least. Well we got the chicks home put them in a box. And then it hit me. Not thinking at the time I would have to build as pen, house and nesting boxes feeder box and a way to provide fresh water. I sat back and thought WHAT THE HECK HAVE I DONE! Looking down at my grandson watching the chicks every move with a smile on his face. Asking questions faster than I could answer. I thought.. Yah we can do this, thinking this going to be a lot of fun. So we build as coop out of an old storage building ($200), made a feed box and nesting box ($75) and then put up a fence ($175). Now almost every day he and I will make our trip out to the coop and gather eggs, check the feed box and let him throw the chickens some corn are scratch. Now 11 months later, I still get that warm feeling every day when he comes up to me and says “ papaw lets go check on the chickens”.
Day old chicks $31.25
Chick starter $12.00
Brooder light $10.00
Coop $200.00
Nesting box and feeder $75.00
Fence $175.00
Spending time with grandson PRICELESS
from Washington State glad you joined us!
Your a wonderful grandmother, your grandson will also have great memories with the chickens!

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