Hi Complete Newbie


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 26, 2012
Hello my name is Alesia davis i live in oklahoma and am thinking of getting a few chickens. my husband says that if we get any it has to be at least 8 hens and 1 roo. i have never had chickens but he has i dont know if what he says is the general rule of thmb or not but it sounds like an ok number to have. i would love to find out how much space eack chicken needs in the coop and how much space in a run what are good beginner chickens i need something that can take hot temps with resonable care u know fresh water several times a day and a shaded area well venalated coop any ideas?
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Look through the FAQ section for links to helpful chicken raising threads
Hey! Welcome to BYC - I'm a newbie, too, but - as far as I know, you don't have to have 8 layers and 1 rooster, in fact - I havent quite heard that at all! I have heard, that in terms of financials and whatnot, it isn't "worth it" to have less then 3 layers - any after that number and they start to pay for themselves in eggs. My mother has just 4 layers and a very nice coop, and she has done fine for several years with that number. A rooster is good for fertilized eggs and protection of the chickens... though some towns don't allow them for the "noise" factor.
Good luck!

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