Hi everyone, this is Danny from the south of England.

Hi all.
i have been looking after chickens for 18 months now. I started with 3 chickens and 6 months later added 3 more rescue Italian chickens.
in that time i have had issues with a tiny black mite, easily got rid of and a headache with what automatic door to purchase.
a couple of my chickens just dropped down dead! (months apart) for no apparent reason and was told to expect this. I thought it was something i had been doing but the rest of my girls are happy and laying well.
i have a big problem with my chose of automatic door, mainly CHUXAWAY and now looking for a reliable one.
that is the initial reason for joining this so i can get some real feedback....hopefully.
Welcome. Chickens don't just drop dead for no apparent reason, and I don't think many of us just "expect it". It is good to get the cause of death in any case. There are many people here that can help. I don't have any automatic doors.

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