Hi everyone!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
Richards, Texas
Hello everybody :D

My name is Susie and this is my second time starting up a flock of Chickens. The first time I lived in Northern California and ordered some chicks from Murray McMurray hatchery and owned them for about 3 years.

Now I live in Texas and am starting all over with new chicks :D Once again I ordered from Murray McMurray and ordered 30 chicks but got 38.. LOL.... They sent me 7 extra fryer roosters to aid in keeping the chicks warm for shipping. I did lose one chick 2 days after they arrived, but the rest have been thriving and doing really well :D

I have Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Partridge Rocks, and New Hampshire Reds. My chicks are a month old right now and almost fully feathered. I am building an outdoor coop this next weekend and will be moving them outside. Fortunately, where I live now the weather is pretty mild most of the year so I am sure they will do fine.

My husband is a contractor and is building me a pretty large coop, I believe it's going to be 12' X 16' and I am going to use sand as the base, probably from 4 to 6 inches deep.

I am so excited to be starting a new flock and I have 2 roosters that I will be keeping so I will be making more chicks of my own eventually!

Well I just wanted to post in here since I have never been a member here, but I am going to be really serious about my chickens so I thought I'd join this website and make some friends to learn and share information :D

Have a great summer everyone!!! :D
I and my wife just joined BYC and we are about the same in development of a lot of fun. I'm planning on sitting in the shade and watching chicken TV.
Tell your husband not to put more than two doors on your coop. It won't be a coop any more. It will be a sedan.
My wife is the instigator here. She has dogs for show and woks at a vet. I'm retired early (heart) and even ordered some mealworms to dress up.

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