Hi everyone!


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2015
I am new to the site and chickens in general. After many years of buying eggs, I decided it was time to try and raise some hens for eggs. I consulted a friend of mine who said to get Black Jersey Giants. He proceeded to inform me that they were dual purpose and held the world record of eggs, with an astounding 364 eggs out of 365 days. Obviously, I took him at his word and quickly purchased me 3 BGJ's (2 hens, 1 Roo). I was quickly saddened when I searched online only to find they are poor egg layers. I was later given 7 game hens from a family friend. They are still pullets and my best guess is they are about two weeks old. I have converted my barn into a coop and let them free range in my backyard during the day (the BGJ not the game hens), the game hens are pinned in within the barn for safety.

I have been researching a lot in the past few weeks, eager to learn more and "get my hands dirty". I am really interested in obtaining colorful layers not just black or white. My eyes are set on redish to orange hens. My thought at the moment are ladies like the RIR or the Buffs. If anyone has them and would like to steer me in the right direction, I am all ears. :)

Chatsworth Ga.. if anyone is curious

Glad you could join us! Feel free to ask any questions!

On the Black Jersey Giants, i think your friend had them confused with Black Australorps, who look similar but are smaller. They are excellent egg layers and holds the record.

Well, I like rhode island reds...they are good layer, and most have had a good personality. They are also easy to get. Buff Orpingtons are a really friendly breed, and are good layers as well. A couple other reddish ones are Red Sex Links (excellent hardy steady layers) and production red (also really good layers.

Well, good luck with your birds!!
I would have to say that RIR are an excellent choice just starting out. We also like Golden Comets (which is a RIR Roo crossed with White Leghorn hen) - creates a pretty bird white with orange-ish tip feathers - they are very friendly and don't mind being picked up. I have two GC layers now (Lucy and Ethel) who come up and talk to me every day. We also have 16 3-mo. old Golden Comet chicks. In addition, we have 2 Barred Rocks, 3 Partridge Rocks, 2 Black Orpingtons, 4 Buff Orpingtons and a White Rock that we got off Craigslist. Welcome to the wonderful world of chickens!
Thanks! I am currently at work, but I will post pics of my current hens when I get home.. or maybe tomorrow (if anyone is interested). I have been scouring craigslist looking for the hens I desire. I find it hard to catch a deal on anything in my area though.

Black Australorps, yeah.. he probably meant them. I will keep an eye out for them but I am already burnt out on black chickens as it is. Oh! I forgot to mention the first two hens I purchased were bantams. I had to get rid of them out of fear that my BJG would accidentally or purposely kill them.
Thanks! I am currently at work, but I will post pics of my current hens when I get home.. or maybe tomorrow (if anyone is interested). I have been scouring craigslist looking for the hens I desire. I find it hard to catch a deal on anything in my area though.

Black Australorps, yeah.. he probably meant them. I will keep an eye out for them but I am already burnt out on black chickens as it is. Oh! I forgot to mention the first two hens I purchased were bantams. I had to get rid of them out of fear that my BJG would accidentally or purposely kill them.
sure! :) I love to see chicken pics!! Craigslist can be hard to find what you want, but when you keep looking i have found incredible deals on lots of different animals.

sorry, you had to get rid of the bantams. My BJGs have always been friendly and docile, but do to the size, that would be a concern keeping them with bantams.
sure! :) I love to see chicken pics!! Craigslist can be hard to find what you want, but when you keep looking i have found incredible deals on lots of different animals.

sorry, you had to get rid of the bantams. My BJGs have always been friendly and docile, but do to the size, that would be a concern keeping them with bantams.
Ok, great! I will post them up.. more than likely tomorrow. So far my BJG's are docile as well.. but I thought if nothing else the Roo would kill them trying to mate. Everything Is going well with the three of them, so far. One of them is even a double yolker, I heard that was rare? It took me a few days to get them to lay in the box but finally got them too. Well.. then I took the eggs out and now they have dug a hole which they now lay in.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. X2 on your friend confusing Black Jersey Giants with Black Australorps. When it was set in the 1920s by a Black Australorp, 364 eggs in 365 days was a world record, however it is currently only the brown egg laying record. The world record was set by a White Leghorn (which lay white eggs) in 1979 with 371 eggs in 364 days (http://cafnr.missouri.edu/about/chicken.php). If you want reddish hens that are prolific layers, I would suggest Red Sex Links which are egg laying machines. These are the hens used by laying houses for brown eggs and consistently churn out more than 300 eggs per hen per year. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Alright! So here are my hens so far!

The yard featuring my barn remade into a coop.

The BJG's

The coop and carry case for new hens

Small pen made for chicks out of pallets and chicken wire. There is a repurposed locker on its side for nesting as well as a metal shelf striped and layed on its side for roosting. I just now put out the lids at the bottom for the "dirty".

Another homemade nesting box made out of a tote. I have hay and paper shreds in it. You can also see the baby game hens to the right of it.

I have a homemade feeder made out of a milk jug tied to the fence with a brick to keep it from being turned over and also provides a place to stand for when it is lower.

This is just another pic taken from the side showing all of it.

Any tips or suggestions? If you can't tell, I am trying to do the least cost effective methods..

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