hi from Burnt Cabins PA


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 28, 2014
Burnt Cabins PA
We just moved to a farm about a month ago and my first priority was to get chickens. So I go online and order ten chicks. I actually wanted two of everything but my husband's a party pooper. I ordered 2 barred rocks, 2 buff orpingtons, 2 dominiques, 2 Wyandotte and 2 americaunas. I had no idea that all breeds do not get along. How bad are the breeds I've chosen together?
It's not so much breeds not getting along as - integrating young chicks with older birds.
If all your chicks are around the same age & size, there shouldn't be too much upheaval as they sort out pecking order. Be watchful as there is always at least one bully in the bunch and one or more that get picked on- generally this can happen with individuals of any breed.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sounds like you'll have a cute little flock! X2, usually chickens of the same general type raised together should get along fine, the breeds you picked should be good with each other...some more ornamental breeds like polish or silkies can require special care because of their feathers and be a problem in a mixed flock.

Welcome to BYC!

X3...all these breeds will get along just fine when they are raised together. They do not know they are of different breeds. And yes, I have a hubby that is a party pooper too. He doesn't understand the need to have one of every chicken on the planet!!!!

Enjoy this new journey you are on and welcome to our flock!

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