Hi from NC

Welcome to Backyard Chickens. This is a great place to explore and hang out.
Sometimes cannot have both in the same coop.
I'm hoping to raise them together so even if they are housed separately maybe they'll get along. The plan was for a mobile chicken coop, from my research the ducks and geese prefer to sleep on the ground so I may need to build the ducks and geese a structure of their own. Hoping to get input on this to aid in the learning process. Thanks!
hello and welcome! i have ducks, geese, and chickens.
I keep my ducks and chickens together together, but I’ve had to keep my geese separate.
But a lot of people do have them all together, and I think one of the keys to a successful community is raising them all together from start. I had my ducks for years before I got any geese..

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