Hi from NC

The Howards

11 Years
Aug 17, 2012
Southern Girl in ND
My Coop
My Coop
Hi there... I'm Amanda. My husband and I live in Grays Creek NC. We currently have 8 chickens, 4 ducks, 3 dogs, and 1 cat. The first time we tried to raise chickens we had all the same breed, sadly they got killed when a dog went through fencing to get to them. This time we have many different breeds and have set up a much safer area.

Cait is a red sex-link and Lacy is a lavender Orpington. Lacy is top of the pecking order and such a sweet girl. They are nearly 1 year old now. When Cait is late laying her egg my husband can point to her and tell her to go lay his egg and she will actually jump up in the coop and sit on the nest. It is the oddest and funniest thing I have ever seen!

This summer we added 3 new chicks to our crew....

Pepper a Dominique, Sweet Susie Sussex a Speckled Sussex, and Princess Penelope Pink Pumps a Buff Brahma. (Say that 4 times real fast hahahaha)

Next came what I said would be the final chickens....

Bonnie Blue a BLR Wyandotte and Sonnie a silkie.

Well I thought they would be our last chicks till I went to the feed store and found an Easter Egger that was actually dancing! She is awesome she spreads her wings out and dances from foot to foot all the time. Her name is Brittany.
Oddly enough Bonnie is with the 3 larger Girls and RULES them! Sonnie and Brittany are now connected at the 'wing'.

I have learned that trips to the feed store are dangerous for me, I always have to look at the babies. Apparently it is catching because my husband now has the same infliction. His weakness is ducks though. On two different feed runs we ended up with little ducklings. I knew a fair amount about chickens (thanks to BYC!) but had no clue about ducks so it has been a learning experience for both of us.

Butterscotch is a Pekin and Jake is a Rouen. Of course we didn't know their sex when they came home, now we know they are girls. Jake the girl duck :) Jake is a big camera ham, she strikes a pose every time I point the camera at her.

The second trip we came back with two more Rouens, one crested ,Jennifer, and one regular, Monta-Q.

All 4 ducks are in the chicken pen with Cait and Lacy. Soon we will be putting Pepper, Susie, Penelope and Bonnie to the coop too. Fingers crossed that it goes ok.
So once again I say that we are done, no more fluffy butt babies are coming home with us. At least till next year ;) and that crazy chicken math kicks in again. Especially if I come across a polish.....
Love your birds
Hi and :welcome

Your pictures are awesome!
Brittany sounds cute. That picture of her really reminds me of one of my hens. :p I've never seen one dance before though. :lol:

I hope you find all the info you need here, and enjoy the site! :D
Hello and welcome to BYC
Your birds are beautiful! Love the pics and the intro.

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