Hi from New Zealand


Sep 26, 2015
Hey everybody, just discovered this wonderful site! I have 2 chickens.. They have not laid for around 10weeks.. It has been winter over here and cold but daylight savings has just started so am hoping they will lay again! Does any1 have any tips to help them lay again ??

I'm no expert by any means but are they close to the end of year laying or molt? You could always start a light regimine, from what I understand when there's less natural light as is coming most breeds will take the winter off to molt and recoup, some breeds will lay throughout. In summer there is more light and that's the key. When the sun goes down earlier then supplemental light will be needed, any where from 12-16 hrs a day to keep laying. A light in the coop with a timer is your best bet. Set to come on before the sun, go out during daylight, then come back on after the sun goes down. This might be stressful to certain breeds especially ones that stop for the winter. What breed or breeds do you have? Hope this helps a little.
Hi and :welcome from Australia. Most breeds take a break from laying (or at least slow down a lot) over winter, it is because of the reduced light. I've heard the artificial light method works well. They should start up soon though, it's getting a lot warmer these days (I find that when my chooks are ready to go again their combs will get bigger and redder, have you seen that?) Also how old are your chickens? Mine all stopped laying around age 3/4 so if yours are old it might just be that.
thanks everyone, had a massive coup clean out today made my own water feeder and soaked some pellets with sunflower seeds etc happy chooks
daylight savings has started so weather getting warmer and more sun! Fingers xsd for some eggs in the next week or so!
Oh yum I'm sure they loved those seeds. Forecast has it about 25 degrees all this week for us, it's gonna be nice!

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