Hi y'all!
The name is Katie. I have been raising chickens for two years now and have loved EVERY second of it. What started as an original flock of 5 laying hens I found on Craigslist turned to a flock of 17 in less than my first week. :D It's safe to say I fell in love with them. My husband and I bought a whole mess of chicks last spring (27 to be exact, yikes) and this year we have a small incubator and will try hatching our own. Tomorrow starts the lockdown for our first batch and I am nervoussss! 9 eggs in the incubator and so far all 9 have been progressing beautifully. Excited for what the weekend could hold.

Due to the pandemic and everything shutting down, including animal auctions, we were not able to expand our little farm like we had hoped. But I am hopeful this summer I'll be adding a turkey or two... maybe a goat? Pig? Donkey! All the animals.

I am excited to learn from everybody and share experiences!
I'm a Carolina gal too! Chicken math gets us all in trouble🤣

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